Aderco 2055G is 100% vegetal-organic, ashless and metal-free. Besides contributing to greater efficiency and sustainability It is also the most concentrated surfactant/dispersant, for use in any kind of residual or distillate fuels. Aderco 2055G’s main purpose is to homogenise the fuel, clean and protect components, maximise the energy potential, and minimise emissions. It is designed to solve fuel-related problems before, during and after combustion. Aderco 2055G is the latest generation of fuel treatments, delivering optimum results in terms of efficiency, economy and the environment.

  • One solution from tank to funnel – before/during/after combustion
  • Vegetal-organic, ashless and metal-free for greater sustainability
  • Highest concentration for low cost per tonne treated
    (1 litre of Aderco 2055G for 55 tons of fuel)
  • Classified as Non-Hazardous – no transport restrictions
  • Non-viscous, easy and safe to handle
  • No dosage system required
  • Worldwide distribution, including by air