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CAS – SEPA is an acid-based product, which is used to clean oil, scab and carbonised deposits in the oil and fuel oil separator discs. It does not damage the discs due to inhibitor content.

View: Colorless liquid
Density: 1,12 – 1,22 gr/cm3
pH: < 1,0
Flash Point: None
Corrosive Effects: Prolonged contact with aluminum, zinc and galvanized steel may cause corrosion.

1/4 – 1/8 CAS -SEPA solution is prepared. The disc of the oil fuel separator are removed and waited in this solution between 1-3 hours. In case of connect with bronze, brass, galvanized steel, aluminum metal is corrosive. During the applications protective clothing, gloves, goggles and masks should be used, air ventilation should be provided.

In the 25 – 30 kg. plastic package.